Foreign Trade and Investment
Promotion Scheme
The instruments of foreign trade promotion of
the Federal Government of Germany
Export Credit Guarantees, Investment Guarantees and Untied Loan Guarantees have been established and effective foreign trade promotion instruments of the Federal Government for decades. Export Credit Guarantees (so-called Hermes Cover) protect German exporters and banks financing exports against political and commercial risks. Untied Loan Guarantees are to support raw material projects abroad regarded as eligible for promotion by the Federal Government. Both promotion instruments play an important role in fostering economic growth as well as in protecting and creating jobs.
Federal Government commissioned Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft to manage the federal funding instruments Export Credit Guarantees and Untied Loan Guarantees. Guarantees for foreign direct investments are processed by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
One particular target is the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises. Ensuring equal opportunities in international competition also means not losing sight of the sustainability of foreign activities.
The promotion scheme at a glance
Financing and insurance of foreign businesses
The German export industry is supported by the Federal Government with various measures. Banks and German companies from a wide range of sectors can use the funding instruments to finance their projects internationally and thus often realise them in the first place.